
Once upon a time the humble leaflet was the dominant form of public discourse.  From the fifteen to seventeen hundreds matters of religion and policy were debated through the proliferation of thousands of vitrolic pamphlets. When the Seven Years War was winding down and Britain felt sure of its victory over France there was considerable debate over which colony they would take for their own. Some wanted to seize the island of Guadeloupe and its considerable wealth in sugar. Others thought they should seize Canada and its vast tracts of lands. Both sides printed a steady stream of leaflets arguing their points. Near the end of this pamphlet war one final argument was made for Guadeloupe. If England were to seize Canada, the argument went, then the American colonies would no longer have the looming presence of France to fear. Without that fear and the consequent need for British protection the colonies might feel themselves self sufficient and attempt to seize independence. Despite this argument, Canada was indeed the choice made. A little over ten years later another pamphlet was made and circulated throughout the Thirteen Colonies. It was Common Sense by Thomas Paine and its arguments for independence fueled the fires of rebellion, inspiring thousands to join with Washington and the other American elite in fighting against British rule. A few simple pages can change the world.